Buttery: Where the butts (casks) of wine are kept.
buttery bar
- The door to the buttery was often split horizontally, with a shelf (the buttery-bar) attached to the top of the bottom part, and the person who was tapping the butts in the buttery would put the full cups on the buttery-bar for the drinkers.
#*1534 I never heard. I heard also that Master Vicar of Croydon, and all the remnant of the priests of London that were sent for, were sworn, and that they had such favor at the Council's hand that they were not lingered nor made to dance any long attendance to their travail and cost, as suitors were sometimes wont to be, but were sped apace to their great comfort so far forth that Master Vicar of Croydon, either for gladness or for dryness, or else that it might be seen (quod ille notus erat pontifici) went to my Lord's buttery bar and called for drink, and drank (valde familiariter). Thomas More's Account, in a letter to his daughter Margaret Roper, of his First Interrogation (before the King's Commissioners at Lambeth, April 13, 1534) 1
#*1623 SIR ANDREW An you part so, mistress, I would I might never draw sword again. Fair lady, do you think you have fools in hand?
#:MARIA Sir, I have not you by the hand.
#:SIR ANDREW Marry, but you shall have; and here's my hand.
#:MARIA Now, sir, 'thought is free:' I pray you, bring your hand to the buttery-bar and let it drink. Act 1, Scene III Twelfth Night - by William Shakespeare
#*Certain members will recall that the building originally consisted of two uses, including the primary hotel use and the public house (Buttery Bar), as a distinct separate unit to the west of the hotel�s main High Street entrance. Whilst many of the original external features have been retained nonetheless, the buttery bar has been long lost and the building has the air of neglect and the commencement of decay, with its heyday a distant past.http://www.gwynedd.gov.uk/upload/public/attachments/780/applications_11204.doc